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Reports & Financials

AR-2023-Strat-Plan.jpgAnnual Reports & Strategic Plans

Interested in learning more about the work we do, the youth we serve, and our vision for the future?

Take a look at our latest Annual Reports and Strategic Plans, including our featured reports:


2022–2025 Strategic Plan

Financial Information

The Financial Vision of Y.O.U. is to be a model non-profit organization that upholds the highest standards of financial stewardship, demonstrates an integrated financial perspective, and maintains a strong and sustainable financial position that enables Y.O.U. to fulfill its mission to the fullest extent.

FY24 (7.1.23-6.30.24) Financial Statements

FY23 (7.1.22-6.30.23) Financial Statements

FY22 (7.1.21-6.30.22) Financial Statements

Additionally, Y.O.U.’s Form 990, Form 1023, governing documents, and conflict of interest policy are available upon request. Form 990 is also available at Please contact Martin Maxwell, Executive Director of Finance, at to request additional information.

Want to hear more stories of impact from our youth and families?

See Our Impact